Rainbow Carrots Anyone?
Fresh Rainbow and YaYa carrots pulled from ground give me such joy and tents to make me walk a little taller... Preparing and serving a dinner to family and friends that I've had a hand in growing brings a simple but profound depth to the experience.
Growing and Pulling!
It always starts by sourcing your favourite variety of seeds, I feel that you can never go wrong with WestCoast Gardens a local untreated and organic seeds that are non-GMO. Be sure to have loose well cultivated soil and to remove any rocks or twigs before planting. Create a shallow trench and be sure to label the row of veg.. I've learnt the hard way.. I guess I don't have the greatest memory. Water after scattering the seeds in the trench and cover, lightly water to keep soil moist for germination. After a month or so when the tops are a few inches tall I start thinning them out. I always try to transplant the extracted carrots using a pencil to gently place them back into the earth, creating another row. A month or so later I try pulling one up to check if they are ready to harvest! -thinning carrots it well worth the effort to grow larger and straight healthy root vegetables - I pick as needed and replant the row after having picked the carrots - a great tip I've learnt is to wash them immediately with cold water to help them last otherwise they stay warm from the soil and go lip quickly.
Washing the carrots in cold water and seeing the beautiful colours emerge!